V souvislosti s velkým zájmem o zkoušku z češtiny pro trvalý pobyt byla vytvořena nová online registrace, která byla spuštěna 2. 1. 2024. Další informace najdete zde.

How to study for the exam

In this short information video, Eduard Goričev will guide you through the preparation for the exam for permanent residence, which he recently passed successfully. He will tell you which web and Facebook pages and YouTube channel contain official preparation materials and foreigners’ experience with this exam. He will also tell you how to learn Czech. The video is subtitled.

The following materials should serve as preparation for the Examination in the Czech Language for permanent residence.

Practice Test

Test if you know Czech at the level A2. The result of the Sample Test will show you if you can pass the examination. The test has four parts: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. Reading and Listening function like a real test, after the test you will see the correct and incorrect answers. Writing and Speaking do not show the results. You can check the answers according to the model tests (Writing) and video recordings (Speaking) at the end of the tasks. You will need two hours for the whole test. When you have less than 80% in the parts Reading and Listening, we recommend repeating these parts.

Available for download

The brochure with the A2 model test (verze pro rok 2024)

The brochure includes the complete form of the A2 model test including the answer sheets and a key with resolutions of the tasks. It also contains some basic information on the examination.

Handbook to the A2 Examination

The handbook Examination in the Czech language for permanent residence in the Czech Republic (level A2) – teaching material (2022) is the main preparatory material for the examination. It contains information about the exam, preparatory exercises, model versions and all types of tasks that are included in the exam. The handbook is equipped with a key and recordings for the exercises. The applicant can learn with the manual himself/herself or with the aid of a teacher.

Další zdroje a užitečné odkazy


Mluvte česky (czechonline.org)

Na těchto stránkách si vyzkoušíte jednoduché dialogy a užitečná slovíčka. Najdete zde i přehled gramatiky a odborný český jazyk z různých oblastí. 

„Chcete si zlepšit své znalosti češtiny v reálném životě? Vrhněte se na náš kurz základních dovedností. Zazáříte v běžných rozhovorech a bez námahy si popovídáte s novými kamarády. Když vás někdo osloví na ulici nebo v obchodě, zvládnete bez námahy správně reagovat.“

Social Media


The Facebook Page The examination in the Czech language for the permanent residence offers free assistance with the preparation for the examination with articles, exercises, activities, pictures and videos.



The YouTube Channel The examination in the Czech language for the permanent residence offers recordings and videos for the examination.