Integration centres
Integration centres already operate in all regions, thanks to which foreigners have equal access to integration services and to qualified integration support throughout the CR. The centres fulfil the function of regional information centres and offer foreigners a range of integration services, including in particular the provision of legal and social counselling and the organization of language and socio-cultural courses.
See more information on the Integration Centres here

Organisations active in the area of the integration of foreigners
If you are a foreigner and need advice, you can use the services of Integration Centres and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These organisations provide, for instance, legal and social counselling, training courses, assistance in contact with the authorities or emergency assistance. Most of their services are free for foreigners, because they are financially supported by the state, local government, EU funds or other sources.
The directory of the organisations that provide assistance or consultancy for free is available here.

Ministry of the Interior of the CR – Department of Asylum and Migration Policy
Telephone Infoline | + 420 974 801 801 Monday – Thursday: 8 AM to 4 PM, Friday: 8 AM to 12 PM |
opu@mvcr.cz | |
Address | Ministerstvo vnitra ČR odbor azylové a migrační politiky P. O. Box 21/OAM 170 34 Praha 7 |
Overview of the workplaces of the Ministry of the Interior (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy) on the territory of the CR
Information for Foreigners
Information on Permanent Residence

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Telefon | +420 234 811 111 |
trvaly-pobyt@cestina-pro-cizince.cz | |
Adresa | Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Karmelitská 529/5 |